Welcome to M&C Care!
We are dedicated to bringing more mindfulness and compassion into everyday life for each one of us. It is all about connection - connection with ourselves and connection with others to bring more kindness and compassion into this world.
We hope you find what you need.
What We do
Offer Mindful Self-Compassion Programs
Why We do it
Teach tools that cultivate mindfulness and compassion through experiential learning.
Research has demonstrated that self-compassion is strongly associated with emotional strength and wellbeing, resilience in coping with life challenges, lower levels of anxiety and depression, motivation with less fear of failure, and healthy habits.
how we do it
An 8 week live online Mindful Self-Compassion course + a retreat to practice the tools that you learn.
Guided instruction in mindful self-compassion practices and meditations.
Skill building exercises for managing difficult emotions and developing compassion.
Learning how to motivate yourself with encouragement rather than criticism.
Learning how to stop being so hard on yourself and open to more happiness and joy.
what is mindful self-compassion?
“You have to care about yourself in order to really be connected with other people.”
-Dr. Kristin Neff
Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) is an empirically-supported 8-week course designed to cultivate the skill of self-compassion. MSC combines the skills of mindfulness and self-compassion to enhance our capacity for emotional wellbeing. The course was developed through the clinical expertise of Chris Germer, Ph.D., and Kristin Neff, Ph.D., a pioneering researcher in the field of self-compassion.
This nourishing evidence-based course combines the skills of mindfulness and self-compassion, providing a powerful tool for emotional resilience.